Shapiro Negotiations

Dare To Prepare

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Seller

Preparation is the only aspect of a challenging situation over which you have control.

Put down your blackberry and ponder this: Some of the wealthiest, most successful people in the world rely on the slowest, least tech-savvy means to get to number one.  They simply prepare ahead of time, methodically lining their ducks up in a row before they go for the gold.  In our fast-paced world of instant analysis and information at our fingertips, it’s easy to cut corners when it comes to research and practice.  But winging it is rarely the way to go.

In Dare to Prepare, people from all walks of life share the way they apply discipline in preparing for career-changing deals, meetings, games, and interviews. How will you get ready for your next momentous personal or professional challenge?  Dare to Prepare with the help of this practical eight-step guide filled with inspiring stories and guaranteed tips for success.

“Dare to Prepare, draws on Ronald Shapiro’s extraordinary career as one of America’s top negotiators and lawyers.  Full of real-life examples, Shapiro shows how meticulous planning can raise the odds of success in business and in life.”

– Norman Pearlstine, former managing editor of The Wall Street Journal and editor in chief of Time Inc.

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