Shapiro Negotiations

Bullies, Tyrants & Impossible People

How to Beat Them Without Joining Them

How To Deal With Difficult People

The first step is identifying the difficult person from the wide range out there— Situationally Difficult People (they’ve had a bad day and they’re taking it out on you), Strategically Difficult (their tricks and tactics make your life miserable), or Simply Difficult (it’s their 24/7 m.o.).  Next, you’ll learn foolproof ways to sidestep confrontation while maintaining your integrity.

In this guide for dealing with difficult people at work, at home, and throughout life, Ron Shapiro and Mark Jankowski show you how to defuse even the most difficult run-in with the most ornery S.O.B. – and still achieve your goals.

We all know them. They thrive on being difficult and nasty and always seem to succeed in driving you berserk. This practical guide provides the tools you’ll need to deal with your nothing-is-ever-good enough boss, your everything-is-a-competition client, even your kvetching in-laws.

“In a world increasingly full of bluster, hype, and exaggerated conflict, Ron Shapiro has always been a calm voice of reason, advancing the interests of those he represents without resorting to the tone or tactics of those he faces. Here, he and his partner, Mark Jankowski, share their techniques for creating workable solutions when dealing with even the most difficult of people.”

– Bob Costas

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