Shapiro Negotiations


SNI’s founder, Ron Shapiro, is the author of the firm’s first four award-winning and best-selling business books. He is honored to be called a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author. Andres Lares and Jeff Cochran continued his legacy with their first highly regarded book, Persuade, which garnered attention and praise from business leaders all over the world. In each of the five books, you’ll not only find extensive research and practical tools and tactics with regard to each topic, but you’ll also learn from their successes and failures along the way that led to the development of proven systematic processes that SNI has taught to over 250,000 professionals across the globe.


The 4-Step Process to Influence People and Decisions
How do you build credibility? How do you persuade others? How do people make decisions? How do you tell compelling stories? These are just a few of the many questions that Persuade addresses. Built upon decades of research, original experiments, and providing influence training to thousands of professionals all over the world, this book serves as the most comprehensive and practical resource on the topic of influencing and persuasion ever written.
The Power of Nice: How to Negotiate So Everyone Wins by Ronald M. Shapiro

The Power of Nice©

How to Negotiate So Everyone Wins – Especially You!
Though the name of the game in negotiating is to obtain desired results, how you get them is just as important. While many dealmakers play hardball by assuming a winner-take-all, scorched earth attitude, they do so at the risk of alienating the other party and losing out on future opportunities. This is at the heart of SNI’s process and success. This is the book that started it all…

Perfecting Your Pitch

How to Succeed in Business and in Life by Finding Words That Work

Whether you are making a budget request, contingency planning, settling a financial difference, or asking for a raise, the crux of success in those and other crucial situations is planned, effective communication. And yet, it is the tool people most often fail to use. In Perfecting Your Pitch, expert consultant and negotiator Ronald M. Shapiro presents his system of scripting, outlined efficiently as the Three D’s: Draft, Devil’s Advocate, Deliver.

Bullies, Tyrants & Impossible People

How To Beat Them Without Joining Them

The impossible people who make life’s journey so difficult are everywhere – in the office, in restaurants, on airplanes, living next door, members of your own family. Emotions take over, and all of a sudden, otherwise reasonably people turn into temporary terrors. Identify the type of person you are dealing with and shape the outcome to retain control of yourself and the situation.

Dare to Prepare

How to Win Before You Begin

Deep down, you know you should prepare. But how often do you wing it and fly by the seat of your pants because, “I don’t have time…I’ve done this before…I know what I’m doing”? It is obvious that you have to get ready for whatever game you’re playing, but in this world of instant analysis and easy access information, methodical preparation is the missing ingredient and it’s the only part of the process you fully control.

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