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Coping With and Reducing Business Stress

Businessmen are faced with challenges on a daily basis that tend to give rise to stress. Balancing all that their jobs demand from them, as well as fulfilling the role that is needed in the home can prove to be a taxing juggling act. Especially in a lackluster economy, stress seems like an epidemic. “Nearly half of the 500 small-business owners surveyed in the United States reported increased stress because of the sluggish economy, with 35 percent reporting they regularly lose sleep and nearly a quarter saying their health had suffered,” says Denver Post reporter Aldo Svaldi.

Loss of Economic Security is the Greatest Stressor

Loss of economic security is cited by the Washington Post as the greatest stressor. Executives are in a unique position because they are not only worried about their own financial wellbeing, but often are responsible for the security of a multitude of sales people under their leadership. Here are 5 ways to cope with and reduce business stress.

Remember the bigger picture.

Often we can let our problems get the best of us, even giving them power over us. Focusing on life as a whole and thinking about what is going right can often renew our perspective. Jotting down things that are going right is a good practice and will remind you that your present circumstances are not the whole story.

Keep a clean work area.

Cluttered desks and unorganized office space can contribute greatly to your anxiety. Taking a few moments in the morning to clear your office of any trash and put documents in places where you will be able to find them will save you time and energy. Exercising this type of control over your environment will boost your morale and give you a sense of power over your life.

Practice meditation.

Meditation could include slow breathing exercises. Former medical professional at the Washington Post, James Gordon, reports that simple meditative exercises have helped financial advisors, child-care workers, and veterans find an inner place of peace. Breathing deeply and slowly will relax your body as well as refresh your perspective.

Focus on helping others.

Though it would seem like time spent on doing simple acts of kindness would take away from the work you are trying to tackle, simply helping others will serve you well when stressed. Forbes cites the University of Pennsylvania’s studies that prove this fact. Focusing on service rather than your own issues will help you overcome your issues.

Take control of your circumstances.

Responsible individuals resist the temptation to procrastinate. When you are proactively solving your problems and fixing what you have control over, you are building within yourself a confidence that you have control over your own life. You’ll see the positive results every time you insist on getting things done.

Are you taking control of your stress?


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