Shapiro Negotiations

How to Be Nice & Negotiate With Confidence

Many people think the negotiation process involves a heated debate and sly tactics. While this is the case occasionally, there are plenty of ways to negotiate with respect. Being cordial during a negotiation doesn’t mean being a pushover, either. Negotiation training can show people how to communicate with confidence while still being a nice person. The main goal of “nice” negotiation is to be fair and still get what you want.

Establish a Rapport 

Making small talk before negotiations begin builds a relationship with the person. It also gives you an advantage over the situation. Small talk affords you the opportunity to learn about the other person; what their motives are, how they perceive their surroundings, and how they respond to them. In this way, you can build a relationship while building your tactics.

Small talk doesn’t have to be strictly personal; you can chat about the company or the upcoming negotiation. People who engage in small talk before a negotiation are substantially more successful at reaching an agreement.

Be Firm in Your Argument 

You can be firm when arguing your side without coming across as rude. Demonstrate your knowledge on the subject, and show your opponent that you know what you’re talking about by providing thoughtful information. Back up your argument with factual evidence and logic.

For example, imagine you’re buying a car. When negotiating with the salesman, show them that you researched the car and the value of the particular model. Convey confidence in your negotiating skills with a firm handshake upon introduction and an expertise in your field, and you will come across as knowledgeable, not arrogant.

Show Emotion, But Not Too Much 

We can look to the car dealership example for this concept, as well. Many times, when people shop for a car, they fall in love with a particular model and outwardly express their opinion. Obviously, the salesman uses this to his advantage when trying to get the most money out of the sale.

When they see emotion, they see dollar signs. It’s helpful to show a little emotion, as it shows that you’re human, and it helps the other person open up. Being overly emotional about a subject, however, makes you vulnerable to hardball tactics. Know when to hold back, when to open up, and when to let go.

Negotiation training can teach you how to identify when “nice” negotiating will work best. Of course, this is not the best way to approach the situation, but knowing when to use it can reap some significant rewards.



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