Shapiro Negotiations

Corporate Sales Training

Sales Optimization: Tools, Habits, Process for Greater Sales Success

SNI's Sales Training

Working with companies of all sizes and industries all over the world for decades we found that generally sales organizations have the “What To Do” part of the process; however, they are missing the “How To Do It.” As a result we created our Sales Optimization program.

Do your salespeople manage the client and sales process or are they simply reacting to the potential client? Are their questions thoughtful? How deep is their discovery? How effectively do they manage their time and effort? Do they sell based on features or do they make a clear connection between benefits/value and buyers’ needs? Have they adjusted to virtual selling? These are the kinds of questions that our sales training answers, providing habits and tools that are immediately applicable and provide proven performance improvement. 

How is this delivered? Entirely in the classroom, online through live interactive simulation-driven sessions, or a blended approach.

With something so important, why take a risk? SNI brings 25 years, 6 continents, and 250,000+ participants of sales, negotiation, and influence training experience.

Our Approach

Our corporate sales training implements a systematic approach that can either become your standalone sales process or give a significant boost to your existing sales methodology through seamless integration. How do we accomplish this? Using the LEAD approach below.

To implement successful corporate sales training you need to have a sales playbook. Whether you have one or not, we work through these types of questions to help develop or optimize your sales playbook:

  • Who are you selling to?
  • What are the benefits of your product/service?
  • What differentiates your product/service from that of your competitors?
  • What pushback/objections do you get?
  • What are the most common reasons you lose out on a sale?

We use this information and combine it with our systematic approach below to provide your organization with a highly customized, practical, and impactful sales program.

Lineup: Webster’s dictionary defines lineup as “an alignment of persons having a common purpose, distinction, or bond.” Isn’t this alignment and bond what we want our salespeople to create? You have a prospect on the hook, now what? How do you make a good first impression? How do you develop trust? Build rapport? And how does this all change if you are selling virtually?

Engage: This is the stage where you must listen, understand, and position your product based on the potential customer’s needs, as well as overcome any objections. Learn how to use psychology and decision-making to engage the other party and advance a sale. Finally, master your ability to answer, “What is the potential customer trying to achieve, improve, or avoid?” and “How are you going to connect your product/service to it?”

Action: Maximize the “yeses” and minimize the “noes.” That said, “no” is not the worst-case scenario and is better than no decision at all – indecision and/or lack of action waste time and resources that you could focus instead on a prospect more likely to result in success. How do you maintain momentum and continue to progress, rather than let the sale stall? And when should you make the ask?

Delivery: Manage expectations—internally and externally. We all know you should become a trusted advisor to your clients…but the real question is, how do you do that? And how do you go deep and wide within an organization? After all, research and experience has proven that it’s easier to keep an existing client than land a new one. 

Sample Course Outline

Take a look at a typical sales training program

Our clients say we offer the best sales training programs as a result of our ability, as sales trainers, to integrate our content and tools into our clients’ current training and processes, and leverage the existing skills of their salespeople in the most effective way possible.

How do we do it? Below is an example of one of our most requested corporate sales training program structures. It was built to address the specific business needs of a client’s sales team.

Module 1

The Systematic Approach

This module introduces participants to SNI’s Systematic Approach to Sales, LEAD (Line-Up Engage, Action, Deliver), as outlined above. Whether it gets bolted on to your sales process or it becomes your sales process, this module lays the groundwork for the rest of the program.

Module 2

Capturing Value and Making Trades
An effective sales professional knows how to succinctly demonstrate value by selling the benefits to the other party versus the product or service’s features. How persuasive and consistent is your sales team’s elevator pitch? Additionally, participants learn to make trades and capture an adequate amount of value in return for concessions they are being asked to make.

Module 3

Overcoming Objections
This module offers a series of techniques to handle potential customers’ objections. Additionally, answers to common company-specific objections are developed so that participants can successfully overcome them with confidence.

Module 4

Sales Tactics

This module teaches participants how to recognize and respond to negotiation tactics by utilizing a three-step method. It also shows participants how to use tactics for their own benefit.

Benefits of SNI’s Sales Training

Here are just a few of the benefits that you can expect for your sales organization:

  • Learn how to build trust quickly with your potential customers
  • Improve your ability to position and capture value
  • Internalize a series of objection-handling techniques
  • Develop key probing questions to find out what your potential customers really want
  • Learn how to recognize and respond to various sales tactics
  • Learn how to keep progressing sales opportunities


 Here are just a few examples of how we have helped take their companies’ sales to the next level:

“I went out on a great sales call with one of my reps today.  Before going in we did some pre-call planning using SNI’s PAID model and it really helped us put together our strategy.  We also were able to negotiate our way through various issues effectively and with confidence.  I think this was one of the best sales training’s we’ve ever had.  Not to use a cliché, but this training was truly a WIN-WIN for your company and ours.”
–Sales Director, ADP
“The seminar put on by the SNI has already paid big dividends in my sales career…the seminar taught me many valuable techniques for improving my skills  in sales as well as helping my confidence and motivation.  One month after the seminar, I am close to reaching 50% of my sales goals for the entire year…the SNI session certainly gave me many good ideas and techniques for my sales career.”
–Director of Sales & Service, New York Yankees
“SNI’s ability to identify the specific areas of skill gap and build a program that directly addressed those gaps is unmatched in my training experience.  That, coupled with the dynamic training events, has helped us to drastically impact the skill level of our sales force and make a measurable impact on our bottom line results this year.”
–President, TEKsystems (A Division of Allegis Group)


Because of the close-to-the-bottom-line nature of our corporate sales training program, SNI not only allows our clients to measure the impact of our training, we actually actively encourage it. We have absolute confidence in the results we can help our clients achieve. We help our clients track the impact of our programs with concrete metrics. A few examples include: participant reaction (measured with evaluations), behavior (measured through observation by the management team), and ROI (measured through Key Performance Indicators).

Learn More

Whether you are considering implementing new sales training, looking for a fresh perspective on your current sales processes, or are looking to completely overhaul your program, give us a call or fill out the form below. Keep in mind that in addition to our sales training, we also provide coaching, consulting on live deals, and motivational keynotes for sales teams.

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