Shapiro Negotiations


Can “Dealing With Difficult Conversations” Be Trained?

Difficult is defined as needing much effort or skill to deal with. Conversation is defined as a verbal exchange between two or more people. Why are difficult conversations such a hot topic in articles, academic literature, social media, and training? Because they are so important and unavoidable. Whether it is bringing up a potentially sensitive

Can “Dealing With Difficult Conversations” Be Trained? Read More »

Improve Your Sales Prospecting With These Proven Processes

  It’s no secret that sales is a competitive field. In a technology-driven mobile environment, the industry is more dynamic than ever. Sales reps must make use of a variety of techniques to make the most of their efforts – this applies not only to closing a deal, but with sales prospecting itself. Learn the

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How Sleep Deprivation Negatively Affects Your Work

It’s widely known that sleep deprivation negatively impacts a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our ability to focus, handle stress, and think clearly are all at stake. No matter what your profession, not getting enough sleep has a negative impact on your performance. But when you are a sales professional or a training manager, it

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Should you listen to a Devil’s Advocate?

Why would we encourage someone to tell us we are wrong and that our ideas aren’t clear? Sometimes it could be the push we need to be better, to do more, or to make more. John Adams, the second President of the United States, relied on his wife Abigail for advice and critiques to lead our country.

Should you listen to a Devil’s Advocate? Read More »

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