Practical Applications

How to Negotiate Better Deals on Black Friday

Retailers don’t go around announcing this in their holiday sales ads. But did you know that in-store retail prices aren’t engraved in stone? It’s true. They’re negotiable, just like pretty much everything else in life. Knowing that kind of changes the whole feel of the holiday shopping experience, doesn’t it. The trick is to know […]

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Succeeding in the Workplace with a Disability

As the world becomes more inclusive, more businesses are hiring people with disabilities. While this is good, many workers with disabilities are coming into the workforce without necessary skills, particularly negotiation skills. There are a few key workplace negotiation skills that will help workers with disabilities succeed. Assertiveness People with disabilities have usually spent their

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Staying Motivated Before Weekends and Holidays

Most employees know about the midweek slump. After all, there’s a reason Wednesday is called “hump day” – it often feels like jumping over a big hump. Yet motivation doesn’t automatically pick up on Thursday or Friday. If anything, workers often feel less motivated than ever on Fridays or the days before long holiday breaks.

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Some people believe negotiation skills are taught, not inborn. While this is true in some cases, your birth order does give you innate strengths and weaknesses that can serve or hinder you in the business world. Once you know the innate traits of your birth order, you can capitalize on those strengths and work to


How to Use Compromise to Achieve Your Goals

Compromise is an essential element in any interaction. In business specifically, compromise is critical to ensuring the needs of all parties are met and that healthy and prosperous relationships are fostered and maintained. Leave the Emotions Out of It In some business situations, emotions can be helpful. Compromising is not one of these situations. When

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3 Reasons Interviews Fail and How to Avoid Them

Despite our technologically-driven world, face to face interviews remain a key component of any negotiation. Whether you’re a prospective employee netting your first interview or a seasoned professional negotiating with an important client, interview skills are paramount. But sometimes interviews fail, and you may be bewildered as to why. Today, we’ll discuss the top reasons

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How to Negotiate With Any Personality Type

To negotiate successfully, understand each potential client needs a different negotiation style. Which negotiation approach you use depends on your client’s personality. Below, we’ve outlined four basic personality types and the best ways to negotiate with each. Type 1: The Choleric Choleric people, sometimes known as “drivers,” are “bottom line” people. They like to get

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4 Types of Negotiators: Which Are You?

In the sales world, there are several types of negotiators, each with their own approach, habits, and tools. Negotiations with different companies usually call for different types of negotiators. The “people pleaser” tactic might not work on someone who wants to play hardball. Therefore, the key to understanding how to customize your negotiation skills is

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