
5 Little Tips to Perfecting Your Sales Approach

The sales profession is one of the oldest and most prolific out there. Selling products can be fulfilling and enjoyable, but finding the right sales approach is often a challenge. The wrong sales approach can ruin negotiations and keep you from getting what you need from a deal. If you need to improve your sales […]

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How to Negotiate Better Deals on Black Friday

Retailers don’t go around announcing this in their holiday sales ads. But did you know that in-store retail prices aren’t engraved in stone? It’s true. They’re negotiable, just like pretty much everything else in life. Knowing that kind of changes the whole feel of the holiday shopping experience, doesn’t it. The trick is to know

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The Difference between Settling and Compromising in Corporate Negotiations

Settling for something less than what we think we deserve can feel like giving up. Compromise, on the other hand, leaves us feeling like we’ve taken something away from a deal. The question then, is what is the difference between compromising and settling? Is one better than the other? Should both be avoided? How can

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The Impact of the Gettysburg Address 152 Years Later

November 19, 2015, marks the 152nd anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, a speech that is regarded as one of the most masterful public addresses in history. Some of the elements of oratory artistry Abraham Lincoln used that day remain relevant to negotiation training and really, any persuasive pursuit, to this day. That fact is a

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The Impact of Body Language in Negotiations

Whether you are negotiating for a raise, time off, or the sale of a new product, every word and movement in a negotiation is crucial. Most people know to choose their words carefully while negotiating, but body language is often forgotten. The way we toss our head, flail our hands and crisscross our legs all

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Some people believe negotiation skills are taught, not inborn. While this is true in some cases, your birth order does give you innate strengths and weaknesses that can serve or hinder you in the business world. Once you know the innate traits of your birth order, you can capitalize on those strengths and work to


How to Use Compromise to Achieve Your Goals

Compromise is an essential element in any interaction. In business specifically, compromise is critical to ensuring the needs of all parties are met and that healthy and prosperous relationships are fostered and maintained. Leave the Emotions Out of It In some business situations, emotions can be helpful. Compromising is not one of these situations. When

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Rules of Negotiation: Getting Your Outcome With Tact

During a negotiation, each side has deep interest in seeing their desires come to pass. Sometimes compromises that leave all parties completely satisfied can be made, but there are cases where issues leave one side at a deficit. This can create resentment or increase conflict. It is important for negotiators to reach their end goal

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