
Rebuilding Bridges: How to Salvage a Broken Business Relationship

Business relationships are just as focused and dependent upon trust as any other relationship. Sometimes, deals fall through, deadlines aren’t met, or the result doesn’t meet expectations. Failings such as these can lead to resentment, but that doesn’t have to be the end of a business relationship. When you’re thinking about whether you should try

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How to Negotiate an Extra Day Off from Work

The workforce is more competitive than ever these days. With the economy on the upswing, more businesses are trying to find employees and entice those who may have given up on finding steady work. This being said, we all need a day off from work occasionally. Whether you’re sick, dealing with a family emergency, or

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The Impact of Body Language in Negotiations

Whether you are negotiating for a raise, time off, or the sale of a new product, every word and movement in a negotiation is crucial. Most people know to choose their words carefully while negotiating, but body language is often forgotten. The way we toss our head, flail our hands and crisscross our legs all

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Staying Motivated Before Weekends and Holidays

Most employees know about the midweek slump. After all, there’s a reason Wednesday is called “hump day” – it often feels like jumping over a big hump. Yet motivation doesn’t automatically pick up on Thursday or Friday. If anything, workers often feel less motivated than ever on Fridays or the days before long holiday breaks.

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Some people believe negotiation skills are taught, not inborn. While this is true in some cases, your birth order does give you innate strengths and weaknesses that can serve or hinder you in the business world. Once you know the innate traits of your birth order, you can capitalize on those strengths and work to


How to Be Nice & Negotiate With Confidence

Many people think the negotiation process involves a heated debate and sly tactics. While this is the case occasionally, there are plenty of ways to negotiate with respect. Being cordial during a negotiation doesn’t mean being a pushover, either. Negotiation training can show people how to communicate with confidence while still being a nice person.

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Negotiation Lifehacks: the three D’s

Some people may feel like negotiation isn’t really a skill-set they need to develop because they don’t work in sales, or law, or sports management or whatever. But the truth is everybody — except maybe for certain categories of criminals and tyrants — negotiates to have their personal needs and interests met. Negotiation isn’t the

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Negotiation Skills Exercises

Employers are always looking for new negotiations training activities that engage people and produce effective results. Negotiators need to learn communication skills, appropriate aggression and ambition, how to think from a different perspective, how to deal with difficult people, and more. What are Negotiation Skills and Why are They Important Negotiation skills encompass the ability

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