Shapiro Negotiations

Ron Named One Of Top Ten Sports Power Players In Maryland

Recently, PressBox named the Top Thirteen Sports Power Players in Maryland. For each ranking, they calculated a numerical impact score from factors such as: “overall wealth, financial success and social influence; the value of their sport enterprise; the influence their work has had on other places or people in sport; their philanthropy efforts in the community or across sport; their community engagement; and the strength of their particular brand in the sports industry.”


Ron Shapiro, Chairman and Co-Founder of SNI, ranked #7, recieving an 8.9/10 impact score, only ranking under team owners and the CEO of Under Armour.  When Pressbox described his impact throughout Maryland they noted that: “Team owners, business leaders and civic leaders keep Shapiro on speed dial because he is known for his deft touch in dispute resolutions, business transactions, public relations and negotiations. Shapiro has served as chairman of the boards of more than 25 civic and charitable organizations. His impact score is derived from his network of relationships in sports and the many organizations that have relied on his influence in setting their course and direction.”

SNI congratulates and thanks Ron for his incredible impact.


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