Shapiro Negotiations

Keep a Salesforce Fresh with These New Trends in Sales Training

To stay ahead in the industry, you need a strong salesforce. To ensure you have this, you need a sales training program that will enable your workforce to adapt to the ever-changing markets. In the last decade, we witnessed a revolution in training, with e-learning and virtual reality providing the kind of force multipliers that transform workforce development with an eye on the future. Read on to learn how to take advantage of what the latest workforce training offers your company.

Sales Manager Enablement

A ship’s captain doesn’t just need a handful of willing sailors. He or she needs a ship, an ocean, a destination, cargo and working knowledge that adapts to any challenge to keep the ship on course. A sales manager captains the sales team, interacting with them every day to motivate, counsel and train. In many companies, they receive minimal training when they reach their position, but after that they’re on their own.

Manager enablement provides them with tools, resources and knowledge to be more successful. They develop existing skills and add new ones, like how to use analytics, successful hiring and presentation techniques, and more. Manager enablement allows them to accomplish performance KPIs like revenue plan attainment and win rates for ever-improving results.

Training Utilizes Augmented and Virtual Reality

As new equipment develops, companies are using virtual reality (VR) to expose new employees to real-world situations. Wal-Mart partnered with startup STRIVR to offer virtual reality training at 31 of its training academies, and expects to use it in all training facilities by the end of the year.

Oil companies have been using VR to train for oil rig positions, and hospitals use it to let physicians practice complex procedures. Job seekers use VR to bridge experience gaps and develop more marketable skills, and employers provide cost-effective training that keeps employees engaged for improved retention.

Companies Prioritize Teamwork

Industries across the board recognize teamwork makes them more competitive. More than 90% of companies place organizational design at the top of their priority list, restructuring to create high-performing teams. Teamwork training programs like workshops, seminars, and mentoring can turn individuals into an efficient unit with high levels of productivity.

Modern Learners Expect Modern Learning Experiences

With millennials making up over a third of the workforce, employers are embracing training methods they’re most comfortable with. High-quality, customized e-learning attracts millennial workers and keeps them productive and fulfilled.

Shapiro Negotiations Institute offers training, consulting, speakers, and e-learning. Contact us to find out how we can provide customized training solutions for your business.

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