Shapiro Negotiations

How E-Learning Benefits Your Staff and Boosts Sales

E-learning provides flexible accessibility, boosts engagement, and promotes retention for all employees. Millennials especially prefer online training to other methods. Since millennials make up more than 36 percent of the current U.S. workforce, employers should consider their preferences when choosing training solutions.

By 2020, 46 percent of employees will have been born between 1976 and 2001. While e-learning is preferred by a large percentage of the workforce, personal preference isn’t the only reason employers benefit from choosing it. Offering training online allows collaboration between locations, saves businesses money, and develops future training goals.

E-Learning Cuts Costs

When organizations offer in-person training, their costs don’t relate only to the presenter. Often, they must also pay for facilities, transportation, print materials, and food for attendees. Online learning provides access to high-quality training wherever employees are located without requiring them to travel to a central location.

Employers save money on printing by providing training materials in an electronic format. Employees access training at work or at home, so there’s no need to rent additional facilities.

E-Learning Meets Professional Growth Objectives

A recent Gallup poll says 87 percent of millennials say development is important in a job. They report seeking employment with companies that help them learn and grow, and they are more likely to stay with employers who offer opportunities for improvement.

Online training lets employers offer ways to learn new processes and add new skills. Employers can use it to improve performance, productivity, and job satisfaction.

E-Learning Is Responsive

The best e-learning appeals to millennials because it meets their expectations for quality. Though some in-class learning is amazing, the spectrum for quality is very broad and involves lots of environmental waste. E-learning replaces paper and wasted electricity with a much more responsive environment.

Training through a good e-learning provider works seamlessly on all devices. Whether participants access materials through a laptop, desktop, or mobile device, they find interactive training.

Instead of listening to a presenter lecture, they have control over their training. They choose the order and speed in which they interact with training modules. They can explore additional information when they have questions or interact with other participants.

E-Learning Provides Analytics

When employees attend a training seminar, employers know who showed up and what material was presented, but it’s hard to gauge the training’s actual impact. E-learning lets employers see how many people accessed training and what modules they interacted with most.

When employees engaged with some areas more than others, it suggests a need for additional content or an area for further development. If employees struggled with certain quizzes, that shows where to provide additional training.

Shapiro Negotiations Institute understands how essential it is to provide differentiated learning environments in today’s global environment. We offer modular on-demand training and live webinars to provide customized e-learning for your business. Contact us today to find out more.


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