Shapiro Negotiations


Influencing: Communication with a Goal in Mind

Influencing is communicating with a goal in mind. In essence, influencing is a requesting process. You are requesting that the other person (or group) do something or achieve an outcome. Because you are making a request, there is inherently more accountability for both parties, thus more potential risk of tension, misunderstanding, defensiveness and conflict. Often

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Do More with Less and Prove It: Training ROI

According to the latest annual report by Training Magazine, U.S. organizations spent $58.5 billion for training (including payroll and training budgets) with $16.3 billion spent on external learning products and services. While growth in the training industry tailed off (6% growth versus 7% in 2006), staffing and training budgets increased by 4.8%. Breaking it down

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How to Deal with Difficult People: Fight, Flight or Focus?

Common sense dictates that if we can control our emotions when confronted with a difficult situation, we will achieve better results. We have all seen how police officers are trained to remain calm in the face of angry, belligerent suspects. We admire the basketball player who coolly sinks the winning free throws while the student

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