How To Find A Keynote Speaker For Your Event

6 Strategies To Find A Keynote Speaker

You know that feeling when you leave an event thinking, “Wow, that was actually worth my time”? More often than not, it’s because of an amazing keynote speaker. A keynote speaker can make or break the event with words that energize the crowd and set the event’s entire tone. They’re the ones who make you sit up, pay attention, and change how you think about things by blending expert knowledge with charisma that transforms any event into a memorable experience.  

But how do you find that perfect speaker who’ll captivate your audience? That’s where this blog comes in. We’re here to help you find that speaker who’ll have your attendees texting their friends, “You won’t believe what I just heard!” We’ll give you practical, no-nonsense tips to spot the real deal and avoid the duds. Let’s get started.

1. Define the Event’s Purpose

Planning an event is more like hosting a great dinner party than just filling a room. You want each guest to leave feeling like they were part of something special. Think about the last time you left an event feeling inspired. What was it that stuck with you? That’s why every event needs a clear purpose. Pinning down why you’re gathering everyone together sets the stage for everything that follows. It’s not just about the what but the why. 

When you’re picking a keynote speaker, you also need someone who doesn’t just fill the time but fills the room with energy and purpose. Someone who gets what you’re trying to do and can amplify it to your audience. What will resonate and make your audience lean in closer? Who’s in the crowd – are they tech-savvy millennials, experienced executives, or a blend of backgrounds?  

2. Set a Budget

Planning an event is also much like planning a big, exciting road trip. You’ve got the route mapped out and some fantastic sights lined up, but if you don’t figure out your budget first, you could run out of gas halfway through. Remember, their fees reflect their fame, track record, and industry expertise——big names cost big bucks. For setting a budget that won’t make you wince, do a bit of homework. Look around to see what speakers are charging for events similar to yours.

You’ll also have to account for additional costs like travel and accommodations. If your speaker travels from afar, factor in airfare, local transport, and parking fees. Be sure they also have a comfortable place to stay and don’t forget about meals, tips, and possibly a per diem. Planning for these expenses upfront will help you avoid surprises down the road and keep your event on track without stretching your budget at the last minute.

3. Research Potential Speakers

Finding a captivating keynote speaker can be challenging, but speaker bureaus can be your secret weapon. These talent agencies for presenters know their roster inside out and can match you with someone who’ll rock your event. They’ll handle the nitty-gritty details, too, from selection to paperwork. With their help, you’ll land a speaker who not only fits your theme but also leaves your audience filled with inspiration. For instance, Shapiro Negotiations Institute (SNI) is renowned not only for its expertise in negotiation and sales training but also for connecting clients with engaging and insightful speakers.

But why stop there? Industry events are also goldmines for discovering speakers in action. It’s like test-driving a car – seeing their expertise and charisma firsthand. Don’t be shy about networking, either. A little preparation goes a long way. After their talk, strike up a conversation, mention your event, and follow up with a friendly email or coffee invite. Who knows? That personal touch might just land you your dream speaker and take your event from good to unforgettable.

4. Check Speaker Credentials and Experience

Review a potential speaker’s past performances as a sneak peek into what you can expect at your event. Watch videos of the speakers’ previous talks and check out what people say in their testimonials. You want to see a speaker who doesn’t just stand and deliver but connects with their audience. How do they kick off their talk? Are they keeping the energy up right to the end? Do they manage to make the audience laugh, think, or even better, do both? 

You also want to dig into their backstory. What accolades have they collected? What game-changing projects have they led? A trail of publications and industry cred can be telltale signs of a true thought leader. However, expertise alone isn’t enough if it’s not tuned to the right channel—your event’s theme. Make sure their area of knowledge meshes well with your event topic. It’s about relevance. Will their insights strike a chord with your audience? Can they bring new perspectives that light up the room?  

5. Promote Your Keynote Speaker for External Events

By promoting your keynote speaker for external events, you can make them pop. Think about it: in a sea of industry gatherings, you’ve got a respected name that can draw crowds. So start by teasing out your speaker’s most compelling ideas on social media. A snappy video clip of them dropping wisdom or a thought-provoking quote can turn heads and get people talking. 

But don’t stop there – get your speaker’s voice out into the wider world. A guest spot on a hot industry podcast or an article in a respected trade journal can work wonders. Pair this with targeted ads that pop up where your ideal attendees hang out online. Then, slide into their inboxes with personalized invites that make them feel like they’re getting an exclusive pass to the event of the year. Remember, you’re not just promoting a talk – you’re offering a chance to learn from and maybe even chat with an industry big shot. And here’s a pro tip: while this approach is all about external events, you can still squeeze value from internal presentations. Just grab some juicy snippets from the talk (with the speaker’s okay, of course) and use them to reinforce key messages after the fact. It’s all about maximizing impact where it counts most.

6. Engage With Your Audience

Finally, you want to engage with your audience before, during, and after the event. Kick off your event planning by tuning into your audience’s interests to build an experience that exceeds their expectations. Prep your speakers beforehand, so they’re comfortable with the event’s tech and format, boosting their confidence and delivery. 

During the event, cultivate interaction through hands-on sessions like workshops or group activities and incorporate live polls and Q&A segments to keep the energy high. Don’t forget to set aside time and space for networking, letting attendees connect and exchange ideas. Use cutting-edge tech like live chats or augmented reality to enrich the experience further. 

After the event, keep the momentum going: solicit feedback to refine future events, send out thank you notes, and share highlights to maintain engagement. Remember, active participation not only boosts retention and enjoyment but also strengthens your community, making each event more impactful than the last.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right keynote speaker is like picking the perfect playlist for a road trip. It sets the tone, keeps everyone engaged, and creates memories long after reaching your destination. You’ll determine what your audience wants to hear, juggle your budget to get the best talent possible, and network at industry events to discover rising stars. It can feel overwhelming at times, but when you see your audience hanging on every word, laughing at just the right moments, and furiously taking notes, you know all your hard work has paid off. And that feeling is worth its weight in gold.

Remember, this process isn’t just about booking a big name or ticking a box on your event checklist. It’s about sparking something special – a moment, an idea, a conversation that changes perspectives and ignites action. That’s where Shapiro Negotiations Institute (SNI) steps in, bringing their track record and knack for powerful communication to connect you with speakers who don’t just talk but genuinely resonate. 

So take that leap, trust your instincts, and let SNI help you find that speaker who’ll turn your event from a gathering into an unforgettable experience. Your perfect keynote is out there – reach out to SNI to bring them center stage

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